No more physical labour cards and employment contracts!
MOL(Ministry of Labour) will begin to phase out physical labour cards and labour contracts in an effort to protect rights of the employee and employer. This process will be implemented for all renewals and new labour card issuance starting from July 13th 2014. This initiative is also helpful rather than carrying multiple cards in your wallet.
Humaid Bin Deemas Al Suwaidi, Assistant Undersecretary for Labour Affairs said that the new process will save time and effort for the employer who is applying. This process creates an integrated database with the MOI(Ministry of Interior) and EIDA(Emirates Identity Authority)
The new process will replace old physical labour cards and employment contracts. This new process would mean that the trips to post office to receive the labour card and employment contract will be reduced. Employer can now print the e-card and e-contract from MOL e-Netwasal systems online.
Fees for Labour Card + Emirates Diary
The fees for the labour contract and labour card will remain same as per the category of the company.
Hereafter, employees who have labour contracts issued through Ministry of Labour do not require to carry Labour Cards as it will be integrated with Emirates ID. Emirates ID will be considered official id document for all purposes. This change also means that, it will not be possible to obtain Emirates ID, UAE Residence Visa without the issuance of e-card and e-contract from MOL.
You are the custodian of your Emirates ID. No one can ask to keep your Emirates ID except Government and Government related organisations.
Procedure to apply for New e-labour card and e-employment contract
- The employer(company) first gets the initial approval for the work permit. This allows the worker(employee) to enter the country.
- Once the worker enters the country, the employer should apply for e-card and e-contract within 60 days from workers’ entry. Fine for non-compliance per instance will be AED 1000/- per month.
- Once the e-card and e-contract are issued, a copy is sent to Ministry of Interior, EIDA and General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs.
- E-cards and e-contracts will be issued electronically within 48 hours of submitting the application.
The same procedure will apply for renewal of the existing labour cards.
Training Session at Tawjeeh:
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) are providing awareness and orientation services to employees and employers on its behalf.
The objective is achieved through institutional partnership with the private sector according to the criteria of the Emirates Programme for Excellence in Government Services through Tawjeeh Centers.
These centres currently offer services in 16 languages to workers.
The centres are equipped with guidance professionals to educate employees and employers about labour laws and regulations; issue labour contracts and work permits; and distribute pamphlets and brochures with labour related basics.
There are some skill levels or categories that must attend the mandatory training session at Tawjeeh and if you fail to do so you will not get your labour card. If you’ve come to the country for the first time to visit the centres to understand labour laws and regulations.
What is Tawjeeh?
Tawjeeh in Arabic word means guidance. It is a must for some workers who belong to some skill level or category are required to attend awareness classes which offer information on the UAE’s laws and culture, the labour laws and penalties as well as tips on how to manage your finances in a new country.
The UAE workers who attend the Tawjeeh centers in Abu Dhabi and Dubai will be given a happiness card which includes a free mobile SIM card and Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation stores these phone numbers on its database and sends details of new labour laws or regulations as SMS to them.
Which category /skill level are required to attend Tawjeeh awareness classes?
Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation – MoHRE has a guide on job titles and skill levels. Each profession in the private sector is assigned to one of five applicable skill levels.
A skill level is measured in terms of academic qualifications and experience needed and complexity of work involved. Skill level one jobs are for the highly-skilled and skill level five jobs are for the lower skilled.
Workers who belong to Skill level or category 3, 4 and 5 are required to attend these classes.
Skill level 3 – Skilled workers, like receptionists, office clerks, filing clerks etc
Skill level 4 – Unskilled workers like carpet layers, tile layers, or air conditioning mechanic.
Skill level 5 – Labourers, domestic workers, cleaners etc.
Since September 2019 the classes have been made mandatory for workers.
What did you learn or information provided at Tawjeeh awareness centres?
The Tawjeeh centres has several mini theatres with individual seats having a smart systems to provide lectures about labour contract, the right and duties of an employee, health and safety standards, as well as the UAE’s culture and laws.
Financial management tips are shared, with workers advised to save at least 20 per cent of their earning.
Workers are also informed about how they can raise complaints, in case they face issues like delay in payment or misbehaviour or abuse by the employers.
The QR code provided to each attendee at the reception is scanned on the individual smart systems at the start and end of the session, to ensure that no one skips the classes.
Labour card will not be issued in case if any person attending the classes decides to leave and the QR code is not scanned at the end of the class.
To get the labour card the person will need to attend the class again.
What is Thara’a ?
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) launched The Labor Saving Program (Tharaa) (Arabic word for prosperity) initiative under the National Happiness and Positivity Program of the Ministry of Happiness.
Thara’a is supported by thirty-eight of MOHRE’s Tawjeeh Centers spread out across the entire Emirates.
By registering for the programme, a labourer can decide on a fixed amount of money that would be taken from his or her monthly income and put into a savings programme of his or her choice.
This programme is aimed at enhancing the UAE’s competitive position in the Happiness Index and Labour Rights Index.
The programme also has other benefits to encourage savings among workers, like annual returns, financial services like money transfer services, raffle draws and prizes.
You can register at the automated machines at Tawjeeh centres.
What is in store in the near future?
It is highly likely that in the near future the below cards will be integrated with Emirates ID:
- Driver’s License,
- Insurance Card,
- Mulkia,
- Investor Card
- Social Security Card
- Emiratis’ Kholasit Qaid
- Health Card, Health Record, Health Insurance
- E-Purse, E-Wallet
- Commercial Applications
- Passport Information
- Detailed address and Contact information
Source: Gulf News
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