Basic Arabic Words
UAE is an Arabic country. However, it is very sad to notice that most of the majority of expatriates living here do not know how to converse in basic Arabic. In one way it can be viewed as a tolerance of the UAE and its rulers to allow foreign language to be dominant and on the other hand it can be viewed as lack of interest from expatriates.
English and Hindi are widely spoken and English is used in all the official documentation or press releases.
In any case, we lose a golden opportunity to learn a new language!
I remember when I went to Madras(now Chennai), India in late 1990’s for higher studies and I had to learn Tamil because people seldom talk any other language but Tamil.
It made me ponder….why not I learn at least basic Arabic words. I started my lessons and I am proud today that I have learnt at least 15 new words in the last 1 month and use it wherever I get an opportunity to talk to an Arabic speaking person in basic Arabic words.
Want to Learn Arabic through Professional Course?? Click here for Arabic Course.
Here are the basic Arabic words that I learnt and some in the process of learning:
Basic Arabic Words for conversation:
Assalam Alaikum | Peace be Upon you |
Reply: Wa Alaikum Assalam | And Peace be Upon you |
We Aleikom Elsalam | Greetings |
Marhaba | Hello |
Reply: Marhabteen | |
Sabah Al Khair | Good Morning |
Reply: Sabah Al Noor | |
Masah Al Khair | Good Afternoon |
Reply: Masah Al Noor | |
Kaifa Haalik? (also Keefak) | How are You? |
Reply: Bi Khair, Zayn or Al Hamdu Lillah | Fine and Praise be to Allah |
Ahlan wa Sahlan | Hello |
Shukran | Thank you |
Reply: Aafwaan | You are welcome. |
La Shukran | No Thank You |
Mabrook | Congratulations |
Masjid | Mosque |
A Ed min Fadlik | Kindly repeat |
Maassalama | Good Bye |
Kam Alsaaa | What is the time? |
Sayyarah | Car |
Titakkellem ingleezi? | Do you speak English |
Inta Min Weyn? | Where are you from |
Reply: Ana min India or Amreeka | |
Yaallah | Come on or lets go |
Mafi Mushkil | No problem. |
Yani | is a phrase used to mean like or you know |
Wayn al hammam | where is the washroom or bathroom or toilet? |
Inshallah | If Allah wishes |
This word is heard the most. It denotes that if Allah wishes, our arrangement or deeds will be done. | |
Maashallah | What Allah Wishes. |
This Is Used In Praise Of Someone Or Something Or As A Complement. |
Conversational Arabic Words:
Naam | Yes |
La | No |
Aywa | Yes or OK |
Min Fudluk | Please |
Shoo? - | What? |
Shoofi Mafi? | Whats up? |
Shoo Hada? | What is this? |
Tamaam | Perfect |
Baadin | Later |
Dilwaati | Now |
Ilyoum | Today |
Bukra | Tomorrow |
Taal Bukra | Come tomorrow |
Ashoofook Bukra | See You Tomorrow |
Aadhi | It is normal |
Jebli Shai | Get Me Some Tea or Can I Have Some Tea Please? |
Kallemni | Call Me or Talk To Me |
Ma Adhri | I Dont Know |
Maa- i- Khussni | Its Not My Problem |
Inta Kida | Thumbs Up |
Intaa Tabaan | Thumbs Down |
Areed Areef | I Want To Know |
Mumken Asaduq | Can I Help You? |
Miscellaneous Arabic Words: These Arabic words are used while having a conversation.
Tabaan | Of Course |
Andi | I Have. |
Kam | How Much? |
Kam Al Ijara | How much is the rent? |
Affwaan | Excuse Me |
Kullu | Everything |
Kullu Tamam | Everything OK. |
Wayn | Where? |
Maata | When? |
Shoo | What? |
Leysh | Why? |
Meen | Who? |
Useful basic Arabic words phrases when travelling :
Sida | Straight |
Yasar | Left |
Yameen | Right |
Shuwey Shuwey | Slower.(Slowly slowly) |
Khallaas | Finish |
Awwal | First or Number one. |
Thanee | Second |
Thalith | Third |
Rabbea | Fourth |
Muffruq | Turning |
Shariya | Road |
Ishaara | Traffic Signal |
Min | From |
Fouq | Up |
That | Down |
I hope that soon everybody picks up some basic Arabic words and Arabic phrases and starts conversing in Arabic. It is a beautiful language, I learnt.
Other great sources to Learn basic Arabic:
Learn Basic Arabic words and Arabic sentences through Videos:
Here are some great videos you could learn to speak basic Arabic words and phrases. Go through them in detail every day. I believe they are very useful for you to pick up some basic Arabic phrases/words:
I would like to thank Maha for her excellent Arabic video lessons.