The cardholder has 30 days to renew the Emirates ID (that has expired) without incurring any fines. After this late fines of AED 20 per day will apply, with a maximum of AED 1,000.
However, as per ICA, the exemption can be applied by the UAE citizens, GCC citizens and Expatriate residents based on the below criteria :
- a person who left the country and lived outside the UAE for more than three months, or a resident whose residency expired while abroad or whose ID card validity expired after his departure from the UAE. This has to be established with the help of the travel document.
- a person whose ID card validity expired while abroad as a result of an executive or judicial decree or whose passport is detained in a case or due to its renewal. He has to prove it with an official letter from the relevant authorities that has decreed his departure or detained his passport in a case or for purposes of renewal
- a person bed-ridden or suffering from a contagious disease or partial or full disability. This has to be proven with a medical certificate issued by relevant authorities in the country
- staff of diplomatic or consular missions in the country and those under their care.
- elderly people above the age of 70 who are unable to visit the customer services centres. They have to prove their age with their family book, passport or any other authentic document.
- people subject to social security and those under their sponsorship. They have to prove their status with an official certificate issued by the Ministry of Social Affairs or other relevant authorities.
- a person for whom the ID card was not issued during the period before he obtained UAE citizenship or family book.
- delays in the registration or issuance of ID card on account of errors of documentation or due to the Emirates ID’s systems or one of its staff members or typing offices assigned by it
Holder of the Emirates ID can file for the exemption through :
- Online by visiting ICA website
or can log into the UAE Pass application
- Visiting the customer happiness centres
As per the ICA website, upon verification process you should receive a response from ICA within 48 hours on whether your request has been approved or rejected.