How Can You Get a Student Work Permit in UAE?

Training and Employment of Students in UAE

Training of Students in UAE

As per the latest Ministerial Decree on the Regulations and conditions of Training and Employment of Students any establishment may train students aged 15 years and above, on the condition of a written contract. The contract must include:

  • the areas of training
  • duration of the training period
  • weekly and other holidays
  • the value of the bonus, if any, and any privileges granted to the trainee.

Employing Students in Establishment

As per the latest Ministerial Decree on the Regulations and conditions of Training and Employment of Students any establishment may recruit students aged 15 years and above during their academic holidays, for maximum three consecutive months each time.

An employment contract must clarify the nature of work, its duration, the wage, weekly holiday and the number of daily working

What are the Conditions for Employing or Training Students?

In addition to the general conditions listed in Article 5 of the  UAE Labour Law other conditions include:

  • proof of the ‘student’ status
  • a valid UAE residence visa for expatriate students
  • a copy of Emirates ID
  • in case of training, a ‘no objection’ certificate from the educational institute in which the student
    is enrolled.

The trained or employed student, is not entitled to end-of-service gratuity and any other leaves, except as stipulated in the contract.

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