Cancelling dependent’s UAE Residence Visa
Such situations might arise when you find a new job or when you want to leave UAE.
The procedure visa cancellation for dependents like you wife, children is very simple.
Steps to take to cancel UAE Residence visa:
- Go to a typing centre and tell them that you would like to cancel residence visa for dependents-Wife, Children.
- Once they type the visa cancellation form, you will go to the Immigration department.(First floor in Abu Dhabi)
- Take the token for the cancellation services and wait for your turn.
- Once your turn comes, inform the officer why you are there and submit the documents.
That’s it. The Officer will put a ‘cancelled’ stamp on the visa and handover the original passport back to you.
Documents required for visa cancellation
- Original passport of the Sponsor for typing purpose
- Original passports of your wife, children dependents
- Copy of Sponsor’s passport for each application
- Copy of dependent’s passport.
- Original Emirates ID
Charges for dependent visa cancellation
In Abu Dhabi the charges are AED 50 per application which are paid to the typing centre.
These procedures are for dependent visa cancellation Abu Dhabi. However, they may be similar in other emirates as well.