How New UAE Labour Law 2022 empowers women in Equal Pay for Equal Work?

Under the Federal Decree Law No. 33 of 2021 regulating labour relations, to be effective from February 2, 2022, employers are to provide women with an equal pay for the same job performed by men, with the value to be determined by the cabinet. It Focuses on ensuring that employees do not face any kind of discrimination at the workplace, with the right to non-discrimination and equality .

As per the Article 4 of the New UAE Labour Law on Equality and Non Discrimination:

  1. Employers are prohibited to hire on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, nationality, or disability that would weaken equal opportunity or impair equality in the workplace . An Employer shall not discriminate in respect of works involving the same job duties.
  2. Rules and procedures that would enhance the contribution of UAE citizens in the labour market shall not be regarded as discrimination.
  3. Without prejudice to the rights prescribed for female Workers under this Decree Law, female Workers shall be subject to all provisions regulating employment of Workers without any discrimination.
  4. Women shall receive the same wage as men for the same work, or for a work of equal value. Procedures, controls and standards for assessment of Work of equal value shall be established by decision of the Cabinet, upon the proposal of the Minister.
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