Employment of Juveniles as per New UAE Labour Law 2022

What does the New UAE Labour Law says about Employment of Juveniles?

Juveniles have been provided with a special treatment under UAE Labour Law. According to Article 5 of the UAE Labour Law,  It is not permissible to employ any person under the age of fifteen years old. Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation does not issue work permits to juveniles, whether Emiratis or expatriate residents.

On the other hand, the law allows juveniles to work with an official work permit issued by MoHRE, provided that the employer wishing to employ the youth meets certain terms conditions, which include:

  1. A clear coloured photo with a white background
  2. Written consent of the juvenile’s guardian or custodian.
  3. A certificate issued by the medical entity proving the health fitness of the juvenile to undertake the required work.
  4. A copy of the passport and a copy of a valid residence permit
  5. The employment contract approved by the ministry and containing the signature of the employer and the employee
  1. The actual working hours shall not exceed six hours per day and shall include one break or more, which shall not be less than one hour in total, and this period(s) shall be defined, so that the juvenile does not work for more than four consecutive hours.
  2. The juvenile shall not work between 7 pm and 7 am.
  3. The juvenile shall not be employed in dangerous or arduous works, or in works which, by their nature, are likely to harm his health, safety or morals and which are defined by a resolution of the Minister in coordination with the concerned authorities.
  4. The juvenile shall not work overtime, be kept in the workplace after the prescribed hours or work on weekends or official holidays
  5. The Implementing Regulation hereof shall specify the juvenile employment, the procedures to which the employer is committed, the works in which the employment of the juvenile is prohibited and the rules for excluding the entities that aim at training and qualifying juveniles professionally, including charitable, educational and training institutions, from some provisions of this Article.

Note :

  1. no insurance or bank guarantee is required for the permit to be issued.
  2. an electronic quota is not required to obtain a juvenile work permit.

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