Special treatment of Women under UAE Labour Law

Rights of Women in UAE Labour Law

UAE Labour Law specifically provided a seperate section for Women. Employment of Women in UAE is governed by UAE Labour Law, under Section 3 and Section 4 and Articles 27 through Article 34. These are the Rights of Women in addition to the rest of the UAE Labour Law.

The following is the extract from UAE Labour Law with regard to the Employment of Women:



Women may not be required to work at night. The term “night” means a period of not less than eleven consecutive hours including the period from 10 p.m to 7 a.m.


The following cases shall be excepted from the clause prohibiting women to work at night.
a. In the event where the work in the establishment is stopped due to force majeure.
b. Work in responsible managerial and technical jobs.
c. Work in medical and other services as may be decided by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs if the working woman does not normally carry out a manual job.


Women may not be employed where jobs are hazardous, harmful or detrimental to health or morals, and in such other jobs as may be decided by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs after consulting with the competent authorities.


A working woman is entitled to maternity leave with full pay for a period of forty five days including the time before and after delivery, provided that her continuous period of service with the employer should not be less than a year, but if a working woman has not completed the said period, the maternity leave shall be with half pay. A working woman, on the expiry of the maternity leave, may discontinue work without pay for a maximum period of one hundred consecutive or intermittent days if such absence is due to illness which does not enable her to resume work. Such illness shall be evidenced by a medical certificate issued by a medical authority attested by the competent health authority or endorsed by such authorities to the effect that the illness resulted from pregnancy or delivery. Leave provided for in the preceding two paragraphs shall not be computed as part of other leaves.


In addition to any prescribed rest period, a working woman nursing her child shall, during the eighteen months following the date of delivery, be entitled to two additional breaks each day for this purpose, neither of which shall exceed half an hour.
These two additional periods shall be considered as working hours and shall not cause any reduction of remuneration.


A working woman shall be entitled to the same wage as that of a working man, if she does the same work.



The Minister of Labour and Social Affairs may decide to exempt charity and educational organizations from all or part of the provisions stipulated in the two preceding sections of this Chapter if the objects of such organizations are to provide vocational rehabilitation or training to juveniles or women on condition that the bylaws of these organizations provide for the nature of the work to be carried out by juveniles and women, the working hours and conditions in a manner that commensurate with the actual potentiality of women and juveniles.


Criminal liability in respect of the enforcement of the provisions provided for in Sections 2 and 3 of this Chapter shall be incurred by:
a. The Employers of their representative.
b. The Guardians or trustees of juveniles, husbands, guardians or trustees of minor women if they have agreed to the employment of women and juveniles contrary to the provisions of the Law.

As you can see, MOL has provided special treatment for women under UAE Labour Law which works towards protecting the employees. If you face any discrimination at workplace or any violation of the above rules, you could file a complaint with MOL.

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Deepak is a passionate blogger with interests in bitcoin, online marketing, and writing.

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