I randomly received a MEMO today though an email from one of my contacts as below:
Dear All,
This is for your kind information.
Memo from UAE Defense Ministry
UAE – The Defense Ministry has advised all car owners in the UAE not to fill the tank full cause for the next few weeks temperatures will shoot upto 53-54 degrees and thus can cause the tank to burst. Please pass this message on as all of us here are habitual of filling our car tanks full.
السلطات الإماراتيه
تنصح مواطنيها مالكي السيارات بأن لإيقوموا بملىء خزان الوقود بشكل كامل وان يتركو فراغ على الأقل للأسابيع القليله القادمه وذلك توقعا لارتفاع درجات الحراره مابين 53 و 54 درجة مئوية ولاحتمال انفجار الخزان مما قد يترتب عليه إصابات وخسائر لا قدر الله أرجوا إرساله للجميع. لأن هذا الموضوع مهم جدا.
As it is, nothing is published in the mainstream media and I do not know whether this is an authentic Memo. I did chat with one of my auto mechanic buddy and he mentioned to me that this is highly unlikely to happen unless someone ignites the fuel tank.
A plea to the car owners is to not keep their cars running idle in any circumstance. This may prove to be dangerous. Also take proper care of the tyres as the heat might cause an early wear and tear.
Happy Driving!