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Keep Fit Dubai

In an attempt to raise the fitness level of Dubai citizens and residents, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Sports and Physical Fitness Program, Dubai Police Sports Affairs Department invites everyone to take part in a program named ‘Keep Fit Dubai.’

HE Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, being a supporter and follower of fitness himself, has initiated a Dubai wide program that helps residents be aware of their current fitness level and achieve a modest fitness level. This is one noble cause that His Excellency has adopted.

Aim and Objective of the Event:

This event is an opportunity to propose solutions and to campaign for a healthy and less-stressed lifestyle. The event will generate a movement that stimulates collective responsibility and action with the purpose of this event being to motivate & attract the whole community to adopt a healthy life style.

The causes of Health Problems in this region both Physical as well as Mental are very much due to the lack of physical activity at nursery, school, work and home plus in-general poor eating habits.

Together we can dedicate our efforts to weight management & healthy living and to raise awareness in our journey to providing a healthier lifestyle for the people living in the U.A.E.

When is it taking place?

Date: Friday 16th December 2011
Time: 3:30pm to 6:30 pm
Venue: Dubai Police Stadium, Al Wasl
Participants: The Event will be Open to All People of All Age Groups
Event : Full crowd participation in all activities
Categories : Everything that moves the body!!! Dance Routines of all kinds, Sports & Physical Fitness Routines, Even Flash Mob!!

Booths will be equipped with free BMI, Nutrition Counter, Free Assessments, Free Medical Check, Fun Challenge, Fitness Tests plus exercise, Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Qigong lessons.

And guess what? There will be Spot Prizes like iPad 2’s, X Box, plus other super giveaways for all participants.

Entry Cost:

The event is absolutely Free ? we ask only of your active participation! 

So why wait? Enroll yourself FREE of cost at their website:



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