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5 reasons why should you look for jobs in Dubai!!

Why should you look for jobs in Dubai?

The United Arab Emirates is comprises seven Emirates located in the Persian Gulf. One of the most popular of these emirates is Dubai, which is not just a vibrant city for tourists but a job destination. Dubai offers several lucrative job opportunities to the deserving. The question arises, why should you move to here and look for jobs in Dubai. The following post will give you an insight about why should you explore the employment sector of Dubai.


Dubai is one of the most popular emirates on the face of UAEOpens in a new tab.. It is known all across the world for its well-embellished and posh look. Boasting world class buildings like Burj Khalifa, several amusement parks and artificial land expansion, Dubai is truly a marvel.  However, Dubai only possesses a small percentage of UAE Nationals and a majority of population include the expatriates hailing majorly from Europe and Asia. One of the major reasons for this is the quality of jobs that this emirate offers to people of diverse backgrounds. Others can be rewarding tax-free salaries and a good lifestyle at one of the most happening places of the world.

Let’s find out 5 reasons why you should look for jobs in Dubai!

1. Tax free income for expats

Have you ever had a look at your CTC in your current job? If you have had, you might have realized that how the apparently huge amount gets deducted from your salary as taxes. But this would not ever bother you if you are employed in Dubai, as you need not to pay any income tax. Though the cost of living is high in Dubai, but you can still save a huge chunk of money due to the country’s tax-free salaries.

2. Higher Salaries

One of the most attractive aspects of jobs in Dubai is lucrative remuneration. As levying taxes on the official income is against the laws of Dubai. Thus, your gross salary becomes your actual remuneration. By working in Dubai, you also become eligible for a gratuityOpens in a new tab. lump sum amount which is paid to you on your departure from the country if you have worked here for more than one year.

3. Great opportunities to work

A large percentage of people get drawn to Dubai, as it offers great opportunities to work on the projects which are not available in any other part of the world. The huge influxes of tourists generate numerous employment opportunities in different industrial sectors ranging from hospitality to management. Also, the work experience that you get abroad gives you some of the crucial skills to fast track your career growth. With an ever increasing inflow of international companies, job opportunities in Dubai are becoming even more plentiful and lucrative.

4. Standard of Living

Dubai is certainly an attractive place as it offers plenty of high quality leisure facilities. A large number of people consider that the leisure facilities in Dubai are among the best across the continents. With over 50 shopping malls and some of the astounding amusement parks, Dubai has become a symbol of luxurious lifestyle. However, the cost of living in Dubai is bit high. But depending on the industry and company you work in, the employers more or less cover almost all the provisions for your stay and care. Also, finding a good to place to live is not a very difficult task in Dubai.

5. Exposure to different cultures

As mentioned above, the percentage of the UAE nationals is far lesser than the expatriates who have come to Dubai from various cities from around the world. So, living and working in Dubai gives you a perfect cross-cultural exposure. At your work place, when you work with nationals of different countries, you get to learn many new things pertaining to work ethics, leadership and ways of carrying out tasks. This certainly is beneficial for your career, as you can well prepare yourself to move to another country for work after learning the intricate details about its work culture. Not only this, but this exposure also helps you to grow as a professional as you learn to deal effectively with different people and co-exist with them in a team.

These were some of the top benefits of working and living in one of the most happening places of the world. So, if you are planning to apply for jobs in Dubai. It certainly is the right time!

Author Bio-Dhananjay: The author is a professional writer associated with an international job consultancy firm. He enjoys occasional blogging too.

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