10 Interview Mistakes to Avoid | Interview Mistakes

Interview Mistakes to Avoid

An interview is an integral part of recruitment process. There is no escape from that. If you have to land in a job, your CV and a satisfactory interview are the most important factors.In my previous post I have mentioned How to Prepare CV.Opens in a new tab. Having said that, in this post I will be covering the 10 interview mistakes that everyone needs to avoid!

An interview is a process whereby the recruiter or employer meets a prospective employee who he wishes to recruit. You must understand that the interviewer or employer is not there to pass his free time.

You have prepared your CV well and you are at the interview. Here are the interview mistakes that you need to avoid. I am listing the interview mistakes in descending way:

10. Interview mistake : Lack of Company research

One of the fundamental mistakes that the candidates do is to not research enough on the organisation that has called them for interview. It is very important that you learn the basic details about the company. Yes…. mission, vision, number of employees form a part of this. But you could do better by studying the sector in which the company is doing business. Companies these days look for candidates who think out of the box. Be prepared to mention about how the industry as a whole is performing. Do not limit yourself to mission, vision. Everyone does it. Be different.

9. Interview Mistake : I am a Perfectionist

Do not give an impression that you are a perfectionist. You always must give an imporession that you yearn to be a perfectionist. No human is perfect. All of us have some weaknesses. So do not try and put on a mask and convey you are a perfectionist. Be truthful.

8. Interview Mistake : Focussing only on what you did

These days the companies are looking for people who do good in a team. Therefore bragging about your individual achievements will not yield the desired results. Tell them how you have exhibited your talents in a muti-cultural team i=of individuals and how you managed to succeed with the help of your team.

7. Interview Mistake : Not ending with a conversation

Often, the interviewees do not seek clarification or ask questions to the interviewer. An interview is a perfect platform for you to quiz about the organisation structure and other company related information to the interviewer. So come out of shell and let them know you probe well on matters that are related to the company.

6. Interview Mistake : Focussing only on the JOB

Most candidates give 100% attention to their previous jobs. An interviewer might also be interested in your hobbies and talents that you have other than the Jobs you did in the past. In your introductory address also mention what your hobbies and interests are other than your job.

5. Interview Mistake : Tense and Nervous

The last thing an interviewer wants is a Nervous employee. If you exhibit tension and nervous, you may end up eliminated. Do not twitch your palms. Be confident. Show your confidence by speaking firmly on points. Give examples of how you achieved that one thing that no one could achieve in your previous job. Sweating and nervousness should be the last thing that should occur while on interview.

4. Interview Mistakes : Rambling during the interview

Do not wander away from questions that the interviewer has asked. Do not provide unrelated answers. If you are not aware of the answers do not provide wrong answers.

3. Interview Mistake : Late follow up

After the interview do not forget to take the contact details of the interviewer. Once home, do not forget to send a follow up note mentioning how excited you are with regard to the job and how positive you feel. This is a good thing to do. Remember, interviewers like this attitude.

2. Interview Mistake : Going through recruitment Solo

You are aware of an opening. You decide to go alone without informing your friends who are also looking for a job. Let everyone who are interested among your friend circle know about the interview and if interested give them the details of the interview if they also wanted to attend. Going solo is the last thing you do. Do not be selfish.

1.Interview Mistake : Silently standing in the Line

You have gone for a job fair and you are standing in the corner in a line, waiting for you turn to arrive. Bad news is that, that chance might never arrive. Quiz, query, ask questions to every recruiter. Break that ice. Recruiters like that. They like a person who is outgoing and takes initiatives on his own without waiting for his turn to arrive. Not only at the job fair but also in other conditions, if you have spotted a vacancy on the company website or recruitment agency site, do not wait to send your CV. Pick up that phone and dial that number. Chances are that you may directly connect with the recruiter and when you send your CV they will be able to put a tone to the CV. Helps a lot.

Avoiding these interview mistakes has helped me a lot. Hope they do help you as well.

Comment with suggestions and other points that you might know. Avoid these interview mistakes and you will definitely be successful.


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Deepak is a passionate blogger with interests in bitcoin, online marketing, and writing.

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