Companies Listed in Dubai Stock Market (DFM Company List)

DFM Listed Companies

Dubai Financial MarketOpens in a new tab. is one of the leading stock markets in the region. The primary objective of any stock market is for the companies to raise funds from the market and provide liquidity to the individuals by way of secondary trading. Secondary market trading provides an opportunity for individuals and institutions to trade in stocks in order to generate liquidity. There are various forms of securities that are traded on the Dubai Financial Market.Opens in a new tab.

companies in dubai stock market

Why this list?

While the list provides you with a companies and their websites, my primary motive with providing such lists on my blog is to provide you with an opportunity to apply for vacancies at the companies that are listed. Usually, I provide a link to any company that I list here on my blog. This provides you an easier way to apply for jobs at these companies.

Why I recommend you apply for jobs at Listed Companies in DFM?

Stock market is one of the most regulated sectors of any economy. That means there are various Government agencies that monitor listed companies. These companies by listing on DFM have to adhere to DFM rules and regulations; which I would say are stringent and must meet a minimum threshold.

  • Only well known companies are listed;
  • The listed companies have to follow Corporate Governance;
  • They have to adhere to stock market regulations;
  • They have enough liquidity;
  • They are usually managed well so as not to break investor confidence;
  • Jobs at these companies are challenging and rewarding.

List of Companies in DFM (Dubai Financial Market / Dubai Stock Market)

Company NameSymbolWebsite
Agility The Public Warehousing Company K.S.C.AGLTY WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Air Arabia PJSCAIRARABIA WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
AJMAN BANK PJSCAJMANBANK WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Al Firdous Holdings PJSCALFIRDOUS WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Al Mazaya Holding CompanyMAZAYA WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Al Sagr National Insurance CompanyASNIC WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Al Salam Bank -BahrainSALAM_BAH WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Al Salam Group HoldingALSALAMKW WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Alliance InsuranceALLIANCE WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Almadina for Finance and Investment CompanyALMADINA WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
AMANAT HOLDINGS PJSCAMANAT WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Amlak Finance P.J.S.CAMLAK WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Arab Insurance Group P.S.C.ARIG WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Arabian Scandinavian Insurance - TAKAFULASCANA Website
Arabtec Holding PJSCARTC WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
ARAMEX PJSCARMX WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Commercial Bank of Dubai P.S.C.CBD WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Deyaar Development PJSCDEYAAR WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Drake & Scull International P.J.S.CDSI WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Dubai Development CompanyDDC Website
Dubai Financial Market PJSCDFM WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Dubai Insurance Co , PSCDIN WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Dubai Investments PJSCDIC WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Dubai Islamic BankDIB WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Dubai Islamic Insurance and Reinsurance Co.AMAN WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Dubai National Insurance & ReinsuranceDNIR WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Dubai Parks and Resorts P.J.S.C.DUBAIPARKS WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Dubai Refreshments Company P.S.C.DRC WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Ekttitab Holding Company K.S.C.CEKTTITAB WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Emaar Properties PJSCEMAAR WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Emirate Integrated Telecommunications Company PJSCDU WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Emirates Investment Bank PJSCEIBANK WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Emirates Islamic Bank PJSCEIB WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Emirates NBD PJSCEMIRATESNBD WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Emirates Refreshments CompanyERC WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
GFH Financial Group B.S.C.GFH WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Gulf General Investments CompanyGGICO WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Gulf Navigation Holding PJSCGULFNAV WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Gulfa Mineral Water & Processing IndustriesGULFA WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
International Financial Advisors K.S.C.C.IFA WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Islamic Arab Insurance CompanySALAMA WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
MARKA PJSCMARKA WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Mashreqbank PScMASQ WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
National Cement Company P.S.C.NCC WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
National Central Cooling Co.TABREED WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
National General Insurance Company PSCNGI WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
National Industries Group Holding S.A.K.NIND WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Oman Insurance Company P.S.C.OIC WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
ORIENT Insurance PJSCORIENT WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
SHUAA Capital pscSHUAA WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Takaful Emarat PSCTAKAFUL-EM WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Takaful HouseDARTAKAFUL WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
UNIKAI FOODS P.J.S.C.UNIKAI WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
Union Properties PJSCUPP WebsiteOpens in a new tab.
United Foods Company PSCUFC WebsiteOpens in a new tab.

If you are looking for jobs, DFM listed companies can be very good prospect for you to apply and provide you with bright future.

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Deepak is a passionate blogger with interests in bitcoin, online marketing, and writing.

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